It’s important for all homeowners to know that many of the water damage problems experienced can be prevented with simple action and maintenance.
Flooding and general water damage is something which can happen at any home, at any time of the day or night, whether you are there or not. However, this doesn’t mean that your home is a problem waiting to occur.
Easy Tips to Prevent Water Damage
Below is a great article from Archer Cleaning & Restoration Services with simple tips which can help all homeowners prevent water damage from occurring inside their home.
It’s fair to say that all homeowners dread unclogging their drains. However, this often leads many to leave small clogs untouched which, as you can imagine, can lead to serious water-related problems including flooding and damage to the infrastructure of your home.
Take a tour of your home and ensure that all of your drains run clear and are unobstructed, including any small amounts of water which builds up as the faucet is running. If you come across any serious clogs, don’t ignore them, make a note of them and, after you have finished your tour, tackle each item on your list.
All it takes is a small crack in a tile or a split in your roof paneling to allow water to make its way into your attic where it can not only damage the interior of your home, but it can cause serious mold growth, lowering the air quality in your home and affecting the health of you and your family. Unfortunately, problems with your roof aren’t always visible from the ground.
The quickest way to check for water damage in your attic is to make your way up there, move all of the boxes and items away from any walls, and check for signs of:
Mold growth
Moisture on your stored items and;
If you can see any of these items then it is a good sign that water is or can make its way into your attic and home where it can cause serious damage. Be sure to have any of these items repaired as soon as possible to prevent any problems.
If your property has been affected by water damage or another type of property damage and you need the best property restoration services in Minneapolis, MN, speak with an expert at Archer Cleaning & Restoration Services. Call 888-436-3499 today and speak with a friendly professional about their high-quality property restoration services which can return your home to its former glory quickly and safely.
Don’t Leave Small Problems
It can be not only easy but enticing, to do nothing when you see a small problem such as a leaking faucet or a toilet which is experiencing problems filling up. However, this only leaves these small problems to become much bigger and cause damage to your home and household items.
Make your way around your home and test all of the faucets and appliances which rely on running water to ensure there are no leaks occurring around your home. While these items may seem small and not likely to cause any problems, a leaking faucet can be the sign of a washer which is wearing out. If the washer finally gives and you aren’t home to notice it, then you could return to find that your home has been flooded. All because of an annoying little leak.
On the subject of water leaking, if you have ever stayed around to watch your washing machine complete its cycle then you know just how much movement your appliances can experience. It is during these movements when any hoses used can both become unscrewed from their fixture and displaced from any drainage outlets, leading to, you guessed it, a flood and water damage to your home.
Just like all items on this list, serious problems can be prevented by prevention and basic maintenance. This could be something as time as tightening a hose fixture, re-securing a hose into a water outlet, or other type of small repair or creative engineering. Whatever is needed, be sure to complete it on the day.
The Best Restoration Services in Minneapolis, MN
When it comes to damage repair and restoration services, it’s important to remember that it isn’t a DIY task. Attempting serious home repair work yourself can not only cause the problem to become worse but it can also create serious safety issues. Instead, speak with a professional at Archer Cleaning & Restoration Services by calling 888-436-3499 and learn about how their professional property restoration services can restore your home safely and quickly.