Temperatures are already on the decline, so if you have a fireplace at home, be sure it's ready for use. This post can help you prepare for your first fire of the season.

Get Your Fireplace Ready for Use This Winter

Having a fireplace at home can be a huge plus during the winter season. As temperatures take a dip, having a fire going in your fireplace can keep your home warm and cozy without you having to worry about what your heating bill will look like. Before you start your first fire of the season, be sure your fireplace is ready and safe to use. To get started, use these simple tips.

Remove Last Year's Remains

If you got good use of your fireplace last winter, chances are you didn't clean it out after your last fire burned out. This isn't uncommon so don't feel bad about it. Simply take the time to sweep up old ashes and logs and clean the surfaces in your fireplace. Before getting started, lay down some newspaper or another protective covering over the surrounding area. You want to avoid staining your home with ashes that can fly about as you sweep them up. Next, spray a bit of water over the ashes in order to prevent having a cloud of ash form as you work. Once the loose particles have been removed, get to work on the walls of your fireplace. Scrub these down with a nonflammable cleaner and really work on removing buildup, such a creosote. This type of buildup can be quite flammable and can turn a controlled fire into a not controlled fire.

Inspect Your Fireplace for Issues

Once you fireplace is sparkling clean, inspect its structure for signs of damage or wear. Look for structural damage such as cracks, loose bricks, or deterioration. While you're in there, look out for blockages in the chimney such as bird's nests or piled up leaves. If you find any issues, get these resolved before even buying a new log for your fireplace.

Test the Damper

Chances are you've kept your chimney's damper shut all year in order to prevent cold or hot air from getting into your home. While this is perfectly fine, you will need to make sure your damper can open and shut properly before starting a fire in your fireplace. If your damper doesn't open, your fire can end in disaster. This can cause smoke to get trapped in your home because it has no way out of your chimney. To prevent a house full of smoke, be sure to properly open your damper before every fire.

Have the Proper Supplies at Hand

To ensure all of your fires are safe, keep the proper supplies nearby. Always use a screen to prevent embers from jumping out of your fireplace box and to keep smoke and ash out of your home. Keep in mind the glass screens can heat up quite a bit, so keep a safe distance from them as well. Having a poker, log lifter, and shovel can also help keep fires going well and make cleanup much easier. Winter is an especially rough season in many parts of the country. This can often lead to home damage that needs to be taken care of as soon as it happens. If your home needs the help of property restoration services, trust Archer Cleaning & Restoration Services to get your home back to its best. Give them a call at 888-IDO-FIXX or 888-436-3499 to learn more about their services.

Hire Professional Help

Cleaning out your fireplace and chimney can be time consuming and hard. If you're not up for it, there are plenty of professional services that can take care of it all for you. They can clean the area properly, inspect for damage, and point you in the right direction when looking for a company to fix the damage. These services are recommended once a year in order to ensure your fireplace is ready for use every winter.

Test Your Fire Alarms

While a fireplace can make your home nice and cozy, any type of fire in your home can turn into a dangerous situation. Because of this, it's important that you test your home's fire alarms at the start of the season. Replace old batteries and ensure that every smoke detector in your home is working properly. It's also not a bad idea to check on your fire extinguishers and replace the ones that are no longer good. Finally, never leave fire unattended even if it's in your fireplace and behind a screen.

Home Restoration Services in Polk County

If your home is in need of fire restoration services, trust the professionals at Archer Cleaning & Restoration Services to take care of the job for you. Contact them at 888-436-3499 to learn about the services they offer. Since they understand that home disasters don't only happen during business hours, their services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Don't hesitate to call them for the best restoration services in Polk County.
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